Area & Oriental Rug Cleaning

How We Clean Area and Oriental Rugs

  1. We pre-inspect for the type of material, material condition, dye stability, stains, and overall soiling to determine the correct cleaning agents to use to achieve the best results.
  2. Area and oriental rugs are cleaned in our state of the art facility.
  3. We pre-vacuum both sides of the area or oriental rug to help remove loose soil, pet dander, dust mites, etc.
  4. We pre-treat stains and heavily soiled areas.
  5. We lightly agitate to loosen stains and soil.
  6. We complete a steam rinse and extraction to remove soil and stains leaving rugs clean and almost dry to the touch.
  7. We clean and brighten fringes.

*We use a dry cleaning process on dry-clean-only rugs.